Who said anything about plane tickets? None of the money being raised for the borewell is going to plane tickets. SMH. As to your other questions, there is a church in the village already. They are the ones who contacted the organization I’m working with to ask for help. We made sure that, if a borewell is put on their property, that it would be open to everyone with no strings attached. They agreed as that was their intent all along.
I understand there are bad actors in the world - as my article stated. And that includes bad actors in Christianity. But just because some Christians are bad doesn’t mean all Christians are bad.
You say you’ve seen it all. No one has “seen it all.” No one knows all. No one has seen all. There is no human being who is all-knowing or everywhere present.
I do try to look beyond the obvious or below the surface, but I also know my limitations. And I also know it is both unwise and unfair to “answer a matter before I hear (or understand) it.” (Proverbs 18:13).
It feels you have determined to embrace cynicism, at least when it comes to Christians. I hope I’m incorrect. But either way, your choices are your prerogative. Still, when someone decides to cast judgment (almost automatically?) on other people’s motives and intentions without knowing the facts, there’s nothing I can say which will change that person’s mind, because it doesn’t appear to be open. :-(
Everyone involved in this particular process is flawed and imperfect. Just as you are. Just as we all are. So, can an outsider poke holes in it? Perhaps. That can be done in virtually every undertaking. Human beings and human undertakings are all flawed and messy. All of them. But…
That doesn’t mean there can’t be some good done in this world.
All the best!