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When the Only Thing We Agree On is Hate, We’re in Trouble
Comments on my recent TikTok video trouble me greatly
It’s okay to hate ideas. It’s okay to hate policies. It’s not okay to hate people.
That’s the message I conveyed in a short, recent TikTok video. It’s one I aimed at political enthusiasts. It got only a few views. (I’m the furthest thing from a TikTok star). But it did get some comments.
A few of the comments were troubling.
Since I think those comments reflect where many (most?) people are today, I find them very troubling.
The United States of America isn’t united around much these days, but it seems many on the left and right are united around the belief that it’s okay to hate. If that continues to the point it reflects the majority of our country, it will be our undoing.
Jesus once said (and Lincoln famously borrowed the saying) that “a house divided against itself cannot stand.” Well…
A nation consumed by hate will destroy itself.
Hatred will only lead us to ruin. We must do better.
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