“Waco: An American Apocalypse” Documentary Review

Netflix revisits a dark day in American history in a chilling new documentary series

Brian Tubbs
3 min readMar 27, 2023
A tank assaulting the Branch Davidian compound on April 19, 1993 — FBI photo (retrieved via Wikimedia)

Netflix’s three-part documentary series Waco: An American Apocalypse resurrects memories of one of the most tragic debacles in federal law enforcement history.

I was in my early 20s when this incident happened. Like many Americans, I watched with disbelief the news footage of the Branch Davidian compound burning to the ground. My co-workers in our workplace break room were equally flabbergasted. How could a 51-day siege end like this?

And why did it happen in the first place?

Netflix’s Waco, a project of Original Productions, aims to answer those questions. And while it does a good job of revealing new information, and introducing us to some of the players that day (on both sides), it doesn’t quite hit the mark.

Having watched all three episodes, I still wonder how this could have happened. How could such a massive bloodbath have unfolded on American soil — one that claimed the lives of four federal agents and eighty-two Branch Davidians (including twenty-eight children!)?

How could so many people be so thoroughly duped by a deviant, obviously narcissistic, and deeply flawed cult leader? How…

