There is overwhelming evidence that Jesus existed, at the very least, as a historical figure and that he was crucified on the order of Pontius Pilate in the first century. The evidence is so strong for those points that it defies reason for anyone to deny it.
When it comes to whether Jesus was the "divine Son of God," that's where we start getting into the realm of faith.
That said...
There is an impressive amount of evidence for the credibility of the New Testament writings (at least as reliable historical documents).
There's also a compelling amount of evidence for the resurrection of Jesus.
I'll grant that many of the other supernatural claims in the New Testament are not supported by evidence to which we have access and that the reader must either accept on faith or set aside.
If the resurrection holds up, then...
Well, I'm sure you've read I Corinthians 15. I'll just say I agree with Paul.
In your diatribe, you also rant about pastors and preachers who fiddle with kids and fly private jets as if this describes the majority of them. The vast majority of men and women in ministry are sincere and well-meaning. They don't hurt kids and they don't fly in private jets.
As for Christians thinking that other Christian denominations are wrong and going to hell... that's ludicrous. Most Christians I know (and I know a lot of Christians) understand full well that their "denomination" won't be the only one represented in heaven. We can disagree with each other - perhaps even strongly on some issues - and still respect each other as brothers and sisters in Christ.
Yes, there are a lot of toxic, dysfunctional, corrupt, despicable people out there -- many of them identifying as Christians (some of them in the ranks fo the clergy). Yes, yes, yes. Agree, agree, agree. And they need to be held accountable (especially the corrupt clergy). But this does not describe the vast majority of sincere people of faith who are doing the best they can to get through this thing we call life.
Yes, there are some unknowns and some unanswered questions when it comes to the mysteries of God, the supernatural, faith, etc.
Just as there are unanswered questions in virtually any other field of study.
If you don't want to believe in God or Jesus, that's your prerogative. I wish only the best for you. I have no ill will towards you or anyone else -- whether that person agrees with me or not.
And I believe in the freedom of conscience, speech, and expression for everyone -- regardless of race, creed, religion, gender, identity, orientation, color, sports team preference, whatever.
Ultimately, I do believe that we will all stand before God, but that should be no threat to you. Either God is real or God is not real. And I don't mind having friendly, constructive debates with people about God's existence and nature or about Jesus, the Bible, etc. As long as things are kept friendly, civil, and constructive, I believe (as Solomon says) that "iron sharpens iron."
Anyway, that's part of what I mean when I said there was much to "unpack" in your response.
I don't want to get into any kind of angry back-and-forth here. I appreciate taking the time to share your thoughts. And I want only the best for you and anyone else reading this.