Member-only story
Stop Looking for Reasons to Be Offended
Be strong as well as sensitive
Every human being on planet Earth should be treated with dignity, kindness, and respect. If everyone practiced this, our world would be a beautiful place.
Not everyone practices this.
People are imperfect. Life is messy. Societies are divided and troubled.
The reality, therefore, is…
Not everyone will treat you with kindness, dignity, and respect.
Of course, it’s more complicated than that.
Some people will see you as a human being worthy of respect and dignity, but they may disagree with you. Can you accept that? Can you accept that some people won’t agree with your choices, beliefs, relationships, etc.?
Of course, some people won’t express those disagreements the best.
A lot of people will (at least initially, by default) treat you with kindness, dignity, and respect until there is a serious crisis, a major disagreement, a breakdown in trust, or some other similar development.
It’s even more complicated than that.
It isn’t just about the intentions of others. There’s the effect their words and actions have on you.