No, President Trump. Stephanie Ruhle is Not a “Bimbo”

When will the junior high antics stop?

Brian Tubbs
3 min read6 days ago


Image generated via MidJourney

I would rather talk about issues than politicians. I also don’t want to be branded as a partisan keyboard warrior. This is why most of my articles don’t get into the “Orange Man Bad” zone…so to speak.

Nevertheless, those of you who read my articles know I frequently extol people on this platform to be kinder, more civil, and (to steal a phrase from Lincoln) tap into the “better angels of our nature.” I often lament that social discourse (online and offline) on politics, religion, and other issues has degenerated to a point that I fear for the nation’s future.

In light of this, as a matter of writer integrity, I need to at least acknowledge that the 45th (and possibly 47th) President of the United States carries a lot of responsibility for the muddy cesspool that American politics has become in 21st-century America.

Donald Trump is, without question, one of the most belligerent, cantankerous, obnoxious, and petulant characters in American political history.

If anyone disputes this, that person loses all credibility in my book.

