Just a few questions...
Should an all-loving God give people the choice -- a genuine, authentic choice -- as to whether they should love Him and/or obey Him?
Should an all-loving God give people the opportunity to make healthy choices versus unhealthy choices? Or should He control all choices?
If He is going to extend a degree of freedom of choice to people, then are you saying He must protect people from the consequences of their choices?
For example, a person chooses to smoke 5 packs of cigarettes a day. That person then gets cancer. Is that God's fault for not preventing the cancer?
If it is, then aren't you essentially expecting God to be an enabler?
When it comes to morality and values...
Who determines moral truth? Who decides what is right and what is wrong?
Individuals? Groups? Society overall? If the latter, to what degree or scope?
You presumably believe that you have the right to beliefs and convictions. If so...
Does God?
Does God have the right to beliefs and convictions?
Or is God (because He is all-loving) somehow obligated to accept and affirm every belief, choice, or value held by people -- either at the individual level or the group level or the community level?
If there are some choices, beliefs, or values that you might concede are unhealthy... which ones? And who decides? Do you decide? If so, doesn't that put you in the role of God?
Just a few questions off the top of my head on this Wednesday evening for you to think about.
Now, I have to get back to work. :-)
All the best!