I'm not denying that people see I Corinthians 15 differently than I do. I'm saying I genuinely don't understand.
I don't "get" the progressive take on Scripture. To the extent that we're talking about a modernist critique of the supernatural....okay, I can "get" that even though I find rejection of the supernatural to be a philosophical assumption rather than a conclusion based on reason.
But it seems that much of contemporary progressive Christianity is based on postmodern thought. And that's where I just feel that they are in a different universe altogether.
I won't hesitate to say that I think postmodernism is probably the most incoherent and twisted philosophical "thought" system ever to be concocted by humanity.
As you write to me (and I appreciate that), I believe I need to make a good-faith effort to understand what you genuinely, actually mean -- not what I want you to mean or "feel" like you mean or any of that. I certainly don't believe I should dissect and deconstruct the text of what you say to the point that the words just form some kind of teapot that I can pour my own meaning into.
People should strive to understand each other according to intent. I feel this way about everyday conversation. I feel this way about text. I feel this way about laws. I feel this way about Scripture.