If I understand your argument, you say that it's "damning" that Christians can't agree on the meaning of a book.
First, I would reply that most people who identify as Christians and who have a high view of Scripture (if both of those things are true)... then what they agree on is greater tahn what they disagree on. But setting that aside...
Your point is that it's "damning" because Christians don't all agree. "Damning" to who? Or is it whom? I get confused on that grammar-wise. :-) Do you mean it's "damning" to Christians? or "damning" to Christianity? Or "damning" to God? Or all three?
And then... why?
You say "Atheists" (interesting that you capitalized that :-) ) "have a high fidelity of Truth" (also interesting you capitalized Truth), and yet...
Not all atheists agree.
I've interacted with many atheists over the years. I am privileged to count a few as good friends. And they don't all agree. So....
Does that "damn" Atheism?