If God Were Real, Then God Would…

Exposing a Common Fallacy

Brian Tubbs
3 min readNov 29, 2023


A skeptic looks up at the night sky — image via MidJourney

The other day I encountered a passionate critic of the Bible and anyone who takes the Bible remotely seriously. Actually, I’ve interacted with many such people — especially here on Medium. They are quite numerous.

But returning to this particular critic…

He mocked the notion of God’s existence partly on the grounds that there is too much confusion and diversity of thought among professing Christians. He declared:

“If your Yeshua/Jesus/God, whatever, cared, then HE would come down and explain it all to the roughly 40,000 different Christian denominations who all believe they have the correct version of Christianity and the rest are going to Hell.”

First, let’s set aside the ludicrous assertion that all these Christian denominations believe anyone who disagrees with them “is going to Hell.”

Let’s also set aside the fact that he fails to acknowledge the immense common ground shared by most Christian denominations, such as the core tenets encapsulated in the Nicene Creed or the Apostles’ Creed.

Let’s instead just focus on the following declaration: “If your Yeshua/Jesus/God, whatever, cared, then HE would come down and explain it all to the roughly 40,000 different Christian denominations who…”…

