Does God Have Opinions?

If so, shouldn’t we care what those are?

Brian Tubbs
5 min readDec 9, 2023
A thoughtful person considering the nature of God — image via MidJourney

If God is real, then God has opinions.

That’s my contention. That’s what I’m putting on the table for consideration and discussion.

I realize that some of you reading this do not believe in God. To you, such a question as the one I posed in the title will sound silly. You’re likely to think or say something along the lines of…

How can an imaginary sky god have opinions? If this imaginary being — call him the “sky god” or “the Flying Spaghetti Monster” or whatever — has “opinions,” it’s only those given to him/her/it by people who made him/her/it up.

That sound about right?

I’ll save a discussion on the evidence for God for a different article. For now, if you’re an atheist or agnostic, and you can’t resist, feel free to comment. I already have a pretty good idea of what you’ll say, but go ahead. Or… you may just want to pass on this article or sit back, sip a latte, and enjoy.

My question is for those who either do believe in or are at least open to the existence of a Supreme Being. It’s to them I ask…

If God is real, does it not stand to reason that such a Being would have opinions?

